Town of Red River Town Board Meeting – June 21, 2023 at 7:00 p.m

1) Call to order, Roll call, declaration of a quorum and Approval of Agenda.
2) Reading and approval of previous Meeting Minutes
3) Reports
A) Treasurer
B) Plan Commission
i) Zoning Webinar
C) County Supervisor
4) Public Input – 10 Minutes
5) Old Business
A) Town Road Update
i) Open Sealed Chip Sealing Bids
B) EMS Payment
C) Clerk/Treasurer Software Update
D) Accessor’s Contract
E) Zillmer Contract
F) Liquor Licenses
6) New Business
A) Recycling Grant
B) Absentee Ballot Envelope Subgrant Program
C) Bonding Town Officials – Clerk & Treasurer
7) Payment of Invoices
8) Adjournment

Respectfully submitted by:
Jeff Dorner
Chairman – Town of Red River