Town of Red River – Plan Commission

Agenda for:     Wednesday November 1st, 2023  7:00 PM

Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Call to order, Roll call and declaration of a quorum
  2. Reading and Approval of Previous Minutes
  3. Secretary report from Town Board Meeting
  4. New business:
  5.  Action Items

i) Public hearing scheduled to deal with a request from Robert Stahl to Rezone a portion of the adjacent property owned by Randy & Renee Ebert from A-1 to RR so that it can be transferred and attached to his parcel 31 018 30.113.

  • Non-Action Items
    •  Public Input
    • Zoning Administrator Report
  • Old Business
    • None
  • Next Meeting December 6th, 2023

Upcoming Agenda Items

  • Adjournment

Respectfully submitted by:                                                                                           

Jeremy Pingel


Red River Plan Commission

Town of Red River – Plan Commission

Agenda for:     Wednesday October 4th, 2023  7:00 PM     

Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Call to order, Roll call and declaration of a quorum
  2. Reading and Approval of Previous Minutes
  3. Secretary report from Town Board Meeting
  4. New business:
    1. Action Items:
      1. Tabled from September Meeting



Please take notice that a public hearing will be held at the RED RIVER TOWN HALL on Wednesday, September 6, 2023 at 7:00 PM for the following: Dalton Ruesch, on behalf of Ruesch Properties LLC, is requesting that all of Parcel 31 018 1ASR 59 located at N9415 C.T.H. “DK” described as follows be rezoned from B-1 Business/Commercial District to RM Multi Family Residential District.  Part of Section 6, T 25 N, R 23 E, Town of Red River, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin described as follows:  Lot 2 of Certified Survey Map recorded in Volume 2 on Page 107 being part of Lot 4, Block 3 of Assessor’s Plat #1.  Said parcel containing 1.608 acres of land, more or less.  Notice is hereby given that a majority of the Town Board may be present at this meeting to gather information about a subject in which they may have decision-making responsibilities.  All interested parties are invited to attend.

                                    John M. Maas

                                    Zoning Administrator

                                    Town of Red River

  • Non-Action Items
    • Public Input
    • Zoning Administrator Report
  • Old Business
    • None
  • Next Meeting November 1st, 2023
    • Upcoming Agenda Items
  • Adjournment

Respectfully submitted by:                                                                                           

Jeremy Pingel


Red River Plan Commission



Town of Red River – Plan Commission

Agenda for:     Wednesday September 6th, 2023  7:00 PM         

Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Call to order, Roll call and declaration of a quorum
  2. Reading and Approval of Previous Minutes
  3. Secretary report from Town Board Meeting
  4. New business:
    1. Action Items:



Please take notice that a public hearing will be held at the RED RIVER TOWN HALL on Wednesday, September 6, 2023 at 7:00 PM for the following: Dalton Ruesch, on behalf of Ruesch Properties LLC, is requesting that all of Parcel 31 018 1ASR 59 located at N9415 C.T.H. “DK” described as follows be rezoned from B-1 Business/Commercial District to RM Multi Family Residential District.  Part of Section 6, T 25 N, R 23 E, Town of Red River, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin described as follows:  Lot 2 of Certified Survey Map recorded in Volume 2 on Page 107 being part of Lot 4, Block 3 of Assessor’s Plat #1.  Said parcel containing 1.608 acres of land, more or less.  Notice is hereby given that a majority of the Town Board may be present at this meeting to gather information about a subject in which they may have decision-making responsibilities.  All interested parties are invited to attend.

                                    John M. Maas

                                    Zoning Administrator

                                    Town of Red River

  • Non-Action Items
    • Public Input
  • Zoning Administrator Report
  • Old Business
    • None
  • Next Meeting October 4th, 2023
    • Upcoming Agenda Items
  • Adjournment

Respectfully submitted by:                                                                                           

Jeremy Pingel


Red River Plan Commission


Town of Red River – Plan Commission

Agenda for:     Wednesday August 2nd, 2023  7:00 PM      

Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Call to order, Roll call and declaration of a quorum
  2. Reading and Approval of Previous Minutes
  3. Secretary report from Town Board Meeting
  4. New business:
    1. Action Items:
      1. Renewal of short-term rental licenses
      1. Calton Ferron’s (Parcel 31 018 14.08) request for an address on A-1 parcel so that he can get an electric service installed to the property
  • Non-Action Items
    • Notice of Violation Sent to N8995 County Road DK
  • Zoning Administrator Report
  • Old Business
    • None
  • Next Meeting September 6th, 2023
    • Upcoming Agenda Items
  • Adjournment

Respectfully submitted by:                                                                                           

Jeremy Pingel


Red River Plan Commission

Town of Red River – Plan Commission Agenda for: Wednesday July 5th, 2023 7:00 PM

Pledge of Allegiance
1) Call to order, Roll call and declaration of a quorum
2) Reading and Approval of Previous Minutes
3) Secretary report from Town Board Meeting
4) New business:
A) Action Items:
i) None

B) Non-Action Items
i) Discuss Chuck Kinnard request to split parcel on corner of Thayse and LeCaptain
ii) Discuss Zoning Webinar, July 11th
iii) Public Input

C) Zoning Administrator Report

5) Old Business
A) None

6) Next Meeting August 2nd, 2023
A) Upcoming Agenda Items

7) Adjournment
Respectfully submitted by:
Jeremy Pingel
Red River Plan Commission

Town of Red River – Plan Commission

Agenda for:     Wednesday June 7th, 2023  7:00 PM  

Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Call to order, Roll call and declaration of a quorum
  2. Reading and Approval of Previous Minutes
  3. Secretary report from Town Board Meeting
  4. New business:
    1. Action Items:



Please take notice that a public hearing will be held at the RED RIVER TOWN HALL on Wednesday, June 7th, 2023 at 7:00 PM for the following:

Donald Derenne, the personal representative, for the Estate of Madeline Derenne, is requesting that a part of Parcel 31 018 21.16 Located at E1236 C.T.H “S” described as follows be rezoned from A-1 Prime Agriculture to LE Large Estates Residential.

Part of the SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 21, T 25 N, R 23 E, Town of Red River, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin more fully described as follows:

Commencing at the Southeast corner of said section; thence S 88°22’48” W along the South line of said Southeast ¼ section 1318.38 feet; thence N 00°57’36” W 41.25 feet to the Northerly right of way of County Road “S” point being the point of beginning; thence N 00°57’36” W along the West line of said Southeast ¼ of the Southeast ¼ section 320.32 feet; thence N88°22’48” E 680.000 feet; thence S 00°57’36” E 320.32 feet to said Northerl right of way of County Road “S”; thence S 88°22’48” W along said Northerly right of way 680.00 feet to the point of beginning.  Said parcel containing 5.00 acres of land more or less.

Notice is hereby given that a majority of the Town Board may be present at this meeting to gather information about a subject in which they may have decision-making responsibilities.  All interested parties are invited to attend.

John M. Maas – Zoning Administrator – Town of Red River

  • Non-Action Items
    • Discuss Seth Lenss’s Request for zoning committee amendment to ordinance to construct an accessory building without primary use present
    • Discuss proposed change in height to peak for Accessory Buildings in Section 10.0404 E. 3. (a) from 14′ to 18′.
    • Request from Ron Smith at E1471 Macco Road for U-Shaped Driveway.
    • Request for 135′ +/- Driveway Culvert for LeRoy Driveway off cul-de-sac on the end of Eagle Road.
    • Public Input
  • Zoning Administrator Report
  • Old Business
    • Accessory Buildings without primary dwelling on residential zoning
  • Next Meeting July 5th, 2023
    • Upcoming Agenda Items
  • Adjournment

Respectfully submitted by:                                                                                           

Jeremy Pingel


Red River Plan Commission


Town of Red River – Plan Commission

Agenda for:     Wednesday   May 3rd, 2023  7:00 PM

Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Call to order, Roll call and declaration of a quorum
  2. Reading and Approval of Previous Minutes
  3. Secretary report from Town Board Meeting
  4. New business:
    1. Action Items:


Please take notice that a public hearing will be held at the RED RIVER TOWN HALL on Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 7:00 PM for the following:

Paul and Laurie DeBaker are requesting a conditional use permit to construct a single-family home on Parcel 31 018 5.091 located at N9444 S.T.H. “57”, a State Highway, which is zoned A-1 Prime Agriculture and is more fully described as follows:

Parcel 31 018 5.091 being the N1/2 of the NE1/4 of the SW1/4 of Section 5, T25N, R23E, Town of Red River, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin

Notice is hereby given that a majority of the Town Board may be present at this meeting to gather information about a subject in which they may have decision-making responsibilities.  All interested parties are invited to attend.

John M. Maas – Zoning Administrator – Town of Red River

  1. Review proposed CSM for Don Derenne, for property at E1236 County Highway S, part of parcel                     
    1. Non-Action Items
      1. Public Input
    1. Zoning Administrator Report
  • Old Business
    • Size Limit/Sq Footage requirement for Zoning Permit
    • Accessory Buildings without primary dwelling on residential zoning
  • Next Meeting June 7th, 2023
    • Upcoming Agenda Items
  • Adjournment

Respectfully submitted by:                                                                                           

Jeremy Pingel


Red River Plan Commission


Town of Red River – Plan Commission

Agenda for:    Wednesday  April 5th, 2023  7:00 PM  

Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Call to order, Roll call and declaration of a quorum
  2. Reading and Approval of Previous Minutes
  3. Secretary report from Town Board Meeting
  4. New business:
    1. Action Items:                                                                                                                                                                TOWN OF RED RIVER


        Please take notice that a public hearing will be held at the RED RIVER TOWN HALL on Wednesday, April 5th, 2023 at 7:00 PM for the following: Tony and Kim Kipp are requesting a conditional use permit to construct a single-family home on Parcel 31 018 4.141 located on C.T.H. “AB”, a County Trunk Highway, which is zoned A-1 Prime Agriculture and is more fully described as follows: Parcel 31 018 4.141 being Part of the NW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 04, Township 25 North, Range 23 East, Town of Red River, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin, more fully described as follows:NW1/4-SE1/4 S4 EXC COM AT A PT WH IS 2342.5′ N OF SW COR OF SE1/4 S4 TH E 201.51′ N 9° W 187.22′ W 176.4′ S 188.4′ TO POB & ALSO EXC R/W IN 608R157.    Notice is hereby given that a majority of the Town Board may be present at this meeting to gather information about a subject in which they may have decision-making responsibilities.  All interested parties are invited to attend.

                              John M. Maas – Zoning Administrator – Town of Red River

  • Non-Action Items
    • Public Input
    • Review the attached 2nd draft of CSM for the Alboushi’s new lot for the new house on Parcel 31 018 35.07 at the new address of N7502 Joniaux Road.  The attached Zoning Permit was issued for the new house that was allowed by the approval of a CUP that was approved in January 2023.  For various reasons previously discussed, they need to put the new house on a new lot and, as such, they are proposing the new lot be created by the CSM which can only be approved and recorded after the lands are rezoned to RR.    If the CSM is ok, then the Alboushi’s can proceed with request to rezone the land to RR which would require a public hearing to be held at the May 3, 2023 PC Meeting.
  • Zoning Administrator Report
    • Wery/Dufek Property Transfer
  • Old Business
    • Size Limit/Sq Footage requirement for Zoning Permit
  • Next Meeting May 3rd, 2023
    • Upcoming Agenda Items
  • Adjournment

Respectfully submitted by:                                                                                           

Jeremy Pingel


Red River Plan Commission


Town of Red River – Plan Commission

Agenda for:    Wednesday  March 1st, 2023  7:00 PM  

Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Call to order, Roll call and declaration of a quorum
  2. Reading and Approval of Previous Minutes
  3. Secretary report from Town Board Meeting
  4. New business:
    1. Action Items:
      1. None
  • Non-Action Items
    • Public Input
  • Zoning Administrator Report
    • Update on Alboushi’s plans for new house on Parcel 31 018 35.07 that was approved by a CUP, the existing Farmstead at N7532 Joniaux, etc.
    • Update on Buchta’s Vacation of Town Road R/O/W, known as Bay Trail, request to rezone Parcel 31 018 18.043 & vacated road R/O/W from LE to A-1 and new CSM for Jacob’s to combine Parcel 31 018 18.043 & remnant of 31 018 18.041 (excludes Lot 1 of Buchta’s CSM) .
    • Update on request to install manufactured home or trailer.
    • Potential Zoning Code Violations Letters
  • Old Business
    • Accessory Building with or without primary structures and/or living quarters
    • Size Limit/Sq Footage requirement for Zoning Permit
  • Next Meeting April 5th, 2023
    • Upcoming Agenda Items
  • Adjournment

Respectfully submitted by:                                                                                           

Jeremy Pingel


Red River Plan Commission

Town of Red River – Plan Commission

Agenda for:    Wednesday, February 1st, 2023 7:00 PM             

Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Call to order, Roll call and declaration of a quorum
  2. Reading and Approval of Previous Minutes
  3. Secretary report from Town Board Meeting
  4. New business:
    1. Action Items



    Please take notice that a public hearing will be held at the RED RIVER TOWN HALL on Wednesday, February 1, 2023 at 7:00 PM for the following: Scott & Phyllis Buchta, Trustees for the Harvest View Development Trust are requesting that a part of Parcel 31 018 18.041 described as follows be rezoned from A-1 Prime Agriculture to LE Large Estates Residential. Part of Parcel 31 018 18.041 being Part of the of the Southeast ¼ of the Northeast ¼ of section 18, Township 25 North, Range 23 East, Town of Red River, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin. Beginning at the East ¼ corner of said section; thence N 01°14’04” E 1314.84 feet to the Northeast corner of said Southeast ¼ of the Northeast ¼; thence S 89°19’25” W along the North line of said Southeast ¼ of the Northeast ¼ a distance of 481.59 feet; thence S 01°14’04” W 52.49 feet to the North line of Lot 1 Certified Survey Map no. 646 previously recorded in volume 3 of certified surveys on pages 352 & 353 as document no. 363759; thence S 88°53’57” E 78.09 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 1; thence Southwesterly along the arc of a 380.03 foot radius curve to the left for a length of 64.88 feet with a chord bearing S 06°28’25” W for a distance of 64.80 feet; thence Southwesterly along a 310.02 foot radius curve to the right for a length of 144.64 feet with a chord bearing S 16°02’04” W for a distance of 143.33 feet to an existing iron pipe; thence S 29°13’57” W 75.75 feet to the West line of East 14.50 acres of said Southeast ¼ of Northeast ¼; thence S 01°14’04” W along said West line 987.36 feet to the South line of said Southeast ¼ of the Northeast ¼ section; thence N 89°56’27” E 481.45 feet to the point of beginning.  Said area containing 14.173 acres of land, more or less. Notice is hereby given that a majority of the Town Board may be present at this meeting to gather information about a subject in which they may have decision-making responsibilities.  All interested parties are invited to attend.

                                             John M. Maas      Zoning Administrator        Town of Red River

  • Non-Action Items
    • Public Input
    • Discussion for parcel (Zoned LE) for Brad Vandermause regarding options for building accessory structure
  • Zoning Administrator Report
  • Old Business
    • Accessory Building with or without primary structures and/or living quarters
  • Size Limit/Sq Footage requirement for Zoning Permit
  • Next Meeting March 1st, 2023
    • Upcoming Agenda Items
  • Adjournment

Respectfully submitted by:                                                                                           

Jeremy Pingel


Red River Plan Commission