Town of Red River – Plan Commission

Agenda for: Wednesday May 1st, 2024 7:00 PM
Pledge of Allegiance
1) Call to order, Roll call and declaration of a quorum
2) Reading and Approval of Previous Minutes
3) Report from Town Board Meeting
4) New business:
A) Action Items:
i) Dalton Ruesch’s request for a Zoning Permit at Wellers Dock for a Marine Boat Storage Building in
a B-1 Business/Commercial District for which Kewaunee County approved a Shoreland Zonng
Permit on April 16, 2024 as a permitted use under Section 10.0310  Permitted Use 100. which states
“Other uses not specifically listed, but which are deemed by the Plan Commission to be similar to
the uses listed above (Uses 1 thru 99), provided that these uses are not specified elsewhere as a
Conditional Use.
B) Non-Action Items
i) Dalton Ruesch’s request for the Plan Commission to make a preliminary review of the proposed
East Elevation View of the Marine Boat Storage Building that is visible from C.T.H. “DK”  for
compliance with Section 10.0314 of the CTH DK Highway Corridor Overlay District’s Building
Architectural Standards.
ii) Discuss Uses and Zoning with Seth Lenss on the Parcel of Land he purchased from the WDOT.
iii) Discuss CSM and Rezone of lands from A-1 to RR for Ayham Alboushi’s new house on Joniaux
iv) Discuss Kipp Plat of Survey and Lot Line Adjustments for parcel of land on NE corner C.T.H.
“AB” & C.T.H. “X”.
v) Discuss CSM and Rezone of Part of 31 018 34.041 from A-1 to LE for Hunter Joniaux.
vi) Public Input
C) Zoning Administrator Report
5) Old Business
A) None
6) Next Meeting June 5th, 2024
A) Upcoming Agenda Items
7) Adjournment

Respectfully submitted by:

Jeremy Pingel
Red River Plan Commission