Town Board Meeting – Town of Red River

Wednesday, May 17, 2023, at 7:00 P.M.


  1. Call to order, Roll call, declaration of a quorum and Approval of Agenda.
  2. Reading and approval of previous Meeting Minutes
  3. Reports
    1. Treasurer
    1. Plan Commission
      1. Paul DeBaker
    1. County Supervisor
  4. Public Input – 10 Minutes
  5. Fire and Rescue Update
  6. Old Business
    1. Town Road Update
  7. New Business
    1. Review the existing 2023 Town Budget
    1. Readoption of the 2023 Town Budget
    1. Review quotes from Scott Construction and discuss which roads need maintenance.
    1. Grass Cutting for Town Roads
    1. Marge Accounting Software
  8. Payment of Invoices
  9. Adjournment

Respectfully submitted by:                                         

                Jeff Dorner             

Jeff Dorner

                Chairman  – Town of Red River