Town of Red River

NOTICE OF Board of Review – May 10, 2023 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Notice is hereby given that the Board of Review for the Town of Red River, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin, shall hold its first meeting on Wednesday, May 10, 2023, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, at Town of Red River Town Hall, E505 County Rd S. 

Please be advised of the following requirements to appear before the board of review and procedural requirements if appearing before the board:

1. After the first meeting of the board of review and before the board’s final adjournment, no person who is scheduled to appear before the board of review may contact or provide information to a member of the board about the person’s objection, except at a session of the board.

2. The board of review may not hear an objection to the amount or valuation of property unless, at least 48 hours before the board’s first scheduled meeting, the objector provides to the board’s clerk written or oral notice of an intent to file an objection, except that upon a showing of good cause and the submission of a written objection, the board shall waive that requirement during the first 2 hours of the board’s first scheduled meeting, and the board may waive that requirement up to the end of the 5th day of the session or up to the end of the final day of the session if the session is less than 5 days with proof of extraordinary circumstances for failure to meet the 48-hour notice requirement and failure to appear before the board of review during the first 2 hours of the first scheduled meeting.

3. Objections to the amount or valuation of property shall first be made in writing and filed with the clerk of the board of review within the first 2 hours of the board’s first scheduled meeting, except that, upon evidence of extraordinary circumstances, the board may waive that requirement up to the end of the 5th day of the session or up to the end of the final day of the session if the session is less than 5 days. The board may require objections to the amount or valuation of property to be submitted on forms approved by the Department of Revenue, and the board shall require that any forms include stated valuations of the property in question. Persons who own land and improvements to that land may object to the aggregate valuation of that land and improvements to that land, but no person who owns land and improvements to that land may object only to the valuation of that land or only to the valuation of improvements to that land. No person may be allowed in any action or proceedings to question the amount or valuation of property unless the written objection has been filed and that person in good faith presented evidence to the board in support of the objections and made full disclosure before the board, under oath, of all of that person’s property liable to assessment in the district and the value of that property. The requirement that objections be in writing may be waived by express action of the board.

4. When appearing before the board of review, the objecting person shall specify in writing the person’s estimate of the value of the land and of the improvements that are the subject of the person’s objection and specify the information that the person used to arrive at that estimate.

5. No person may appear before the board of review, testify to the board by telephone, or object to a valuation if that valuation was made by the assessor or the objector using the income method of valuation, unless the person supplies the assessor with all the information about income and expenses, as specified in the assessor’s manual under s. 73.03 (2a), Wis. stats., that the assessor requests. The Town of Red River has an ordinance for the confidentiality of information about income and expenses that is provided to the assessor under this paragraph

 that provides exceptions for persons using information in the discharge of duties imposed by law or the duties of their officer or by order of a court.* The information that is provided under this paragraph, unless a court determined that it is inaccurate, is not subject to the right of inspection and copying under s. 19.35 (1), Wis. stats.

6. The board shall hear upon oath, by telephone, all ill or disabled persons who present to the board a letter from a physician, surgeon, or osteopath that confirms their illness or disability. No other persons may testify by telephone.

7. No person may appear before the board of review, testify to the board by telephone, or contest the amount of any assessment unless, at least 48 hours before the first meeting of the board, or at least 48 hours before the objection is heard if the objection is allowed under s.70.47 (3) (a), Wis. stats., that person provides to the clerk of the board of review notice as to whether the person will ask for the removal of a member of the board of review and, if so, which member, and provides a reasonable estimate of the length of time the hearing will take.

Notice is hereby given this 29th day of April, 2023.

Char Duckart

Town Clerk   Town of Red River

Town of Red River     ANNUAL & BOARD MEETING

E505 Cty Road S, Luxemburg WI

Wednesday    6:30 PM & 7:00 PM Annual Meeting Town Board Meeting     April 19, 2023


Annual Meeting

  1. Call to order, Roll call, declaration of a quorum
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Reading and approval of previous minutes
  4. Financial Statement 2022
  5. Public Input – 10 minutes
  6. Appoint new town clerk
  7. Town Board Oaths
  8. Next annual meeting date
  9. Adjournment

Board Meeting

  1. Call to order, Roll call, declaration of a quorum
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Reading and approval of previous minutes
  4. Reports
    1. Treasurer
    1. Plan Commission
    1. County Supervisor
  5. Public Input – 10 min.
  6. Old business –
    1. Road updates  – road inspection, crack sealing, chip sealing
    1. Road Abandonment
      1. Vacate the Town Road R/O/W for Bay Crest Trail
    1. Garbage Collection
    1. Tree removal
    1. Constable position –
  7. Correspondence
  8. Payment of Invoices – Board approval of payment invoices
  9. Adjournment

Respectfully submitted by:                                        

               Sandra A Monfils                              

Sandra A Monfils

               Clerk – Town of Red River                    


TOWN BOARD MEETING – Town of Red River Wednesday 6:00 PM – April 5, 2023                    E505 County Road S


  1. Call to order, Roll call, declaration of a quorum and Approval of Agenda.
  2. Discussion in reference to Trash & Recycling
  3. Quotes that have been received
  4. Review of contracts
  5. Public Input
  6. Board Discussion
  7. Adjournment

Respectfully submitted by:                                         

                Jeff Dorner             

                Chairman  – Town of Red River            

Town of Red River

Open Book Meeting

Thursday 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM – April 20, 2023                

Respectfully submitted by:                        

          Sandra Monifls 

                    Sandra A Monfils

                        Clerk – Town of Red River                                                                                                        

TOWN BOARD MEETING – Town of Red River Wednesday 7:00 PM – February 15, 2023             E505 County Road S


  1. Call to order, Roll call, declaration of a quorum and Approval of Agenda.
  2. Reading and approval of previous minutes
  3. Reports
    1. Treasurer
    1. Plan Commission
      1. Please take notice that a public hearing will be held at the RED RIVER TOWN HALL on Wednesday, February 1, 2023 at 7:00 PM for the following: Scott & Phyllis Buchta, Trustees for the Harvest View Development Trust are requesting that a part of Parcel 31 018 18.041 described as follows be rezoned from A-1 Prime Agriculture to LE Large Estates Residential. Part of Parcel 31 018 18.041 being Part of the of the Southeast ¼ of the Northeast ¼ of section 18, Township 25 North, Range 23 East, Town of Red River, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin. Beginning at the East ¼ corner of said section; thence N 01°14’04” E 1314.84 feet to the Northeast corner of said Southeast ¼ of the Northeast ¼; thence S 89°19’25” W along the North line of said Southeast ¼ of the Northeast ¼ a distance of 481.59 feet; thence S 01°14’04” W 52.49 feet to the North line of Lot 1 Certified Survey Map no. 646 previously recorded in volume 3 of certified surveys on pages 352 & 353 as document no. 363759; thence S 88°53’57” E 78.09 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 1; thence Southwesterly along the arc of a 380.03 foot radius curve to the left for a length of 64.88 feet with a chord bearing S 06°28’25” W for a distance of 64.80 feet; thence Southwesterly along a 310.02 foot radius curve to the right for a length of 144.64 feet with a chord bearing S 16°02’04” W for a distance of 143.33 feet to an existing iron pipe; thence S 29°13’57” W 75.75 feet to the West line of East 14.50 acres of said Southeast ¼ of Northeast ¼; thence S 01°14’04” W along said West line 987.36 feet to the South line of said Southeast ¼ of the Northeast ¼ section; thence N 89°56’27” E 481.45 feet to the point of beginning.  Said area containing 14.173 acres of land, more or less. Notice is hereby given that a majority of the Town Board may be present at this meeting to gather information about a subject in which they may have decision-making responsibilities.  All interested parties are invited to attend.  John M. Maas             Zoning Administrator

C)  County Supervisor

  • Public Input – 10 min.
  • New business –
    • WTA Training/Open Book Training
    • Constable Position Options
    • Record Retention
    • Town Clerk Position
  • Old business –
    • Road updates –
      • Road Abandonment
        • Vacate the Town Road R/O/W for Bay Crest Trail
      • Tree Cutting Update
  • Fire and Rescue Update
    • Town Association Meeting Hosted by Red River Monday, February 20th
  • Correspondence –
  • Payment of Invoices –
  • Adjournment

Respectfully submitted by:                                         Sandra A Monfils


TOWN BOARD MEETING – Town of Red River Wednesday 7:00 PM – January 18, 2023                E505 County Road S


  1. Call to order, Roll call, declaration of a quorum and Approval of Agenda.
  2. Reading and approval of previous minutes
  3. Reports
    1. Treasurer
    1. Plan Commission

C)  County Supervisor

  • Public Input – 10 min.
  • New business –
    • Town Clerk open position
      • Credit Card for Town Clerk
  • Old business –
    • Resolution signing – Fee Scheduled for 2023
    • Road updates –
      • Weight limit for Town Hall Road
      • Road Abandonment
        • Vacate the Town Road R/O/W for Bay Crest Trail
    • Tree Cutting
      • Open bids for tree cutting
  • Correspondence –
    • Kewaunee County took parcel 31 018 19.134 at N8221 County Rd H, Luxemburg by tax deed action.
  • Payment of Invoices –
  • Adjournment

Respectfully submitted by: Sandy Monfils

TOWN BOARD MEETING – Town of Red River Wednesday 7:00 PM – December 21, 2022   E505 County Road S


  1. Call to order, Roll call, declaration of a quorum and Approval of Agenda.
  2. Reading and approval of previous minutes
  3. Reports
    1. Treasurer
    1. Plan Commission

C)  County Supervisor

  • Public Input – 10 min.
  • New business –
    • Fee Scheduled for 2023
  • Old business –
    • Road updates –
    • Fire & Rescue – Steven LeGrave
      • Eagle Update
  • Correspondence –
    • DNR Notices
  • Payment of Invoices –
  • Adjournment

Respectfully submitted by:                                         Sandra A Monfils Clerk – Town of Red River

TOWN BOARD MEETING – Town of Red River Wednesday 7:00 PM – November 16, 2022                       E505 County Road S


  1. Call to order, Roll call, declaration of a quorum and Approval of Agenda.
  2. Reading and approval of previous minutes
  3. Reports
    1. Treasurer
    1. Plan Commission

C)  County Supervisor

  • Public Input – 10 min.
  • New business –
  1. Short Term Rentals:
  2. Please take notice that a public hearing will be held at the RED RIVER TOWN HALL on Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at 7:05 PM for the following:  Rachel Couillard, of Ruesch Management, on behalf of Jesse F. & Patricia S. Pleuss, has submitted an Application for a Conditional Use Permit for a Short-Term Rental Permit, to operate a short-term rental at N9009 De Baker Lane being Parcel ID 31 018 1ASR 125, more fully described as follows: Part of the Section 7, Township 25 North, Range 23

East, Town of Red River, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin, more fully described as follows. Assessor’s Plat No. 1: Lot 1 of 11CSM59 Map #1962, Formerly Lots 10 & 11 – Block 5. Notice is hereby given that a majority of the Town Board may be present at this meeting to gather information about a subject in which they may have decision-making responsibilities. All interested parties are invited to attend. John M. Maas Zoning Administrator Town of Red River

  • Budget Review 2023/ Mill Rate
  • Zoning Law Change Review
  • Duty Clerk – paying of duty clerk
  • Old business –
    • Road updates –
    • Fire & Rescue –
    • Website/Domain Name –
  • Correspondence –
    • Bug Tussell – meet & Greet at the Town of Red River Town Hall on Thursday, November 17th from 4:30pm to 7:30pm. They are looking at expanding our fiber optic network in the area and want feedback from the residents to see what the interest would be.
  • Payment of Invoices –
  • Adjournment

Respectfully submitted by:                                         Sandra A Monfils Clerk – Town of Red River

TOWN BOARD MEETING – Town of Red River Monday 7:00 PM – November 14, 2022                       

You are cordially invited to attend…   Kewaunee County Unit Meeting   Date:  Monday, November 14, 2022 Time:  7:00 pm Lunch / Meeting to Follow Place:  Town of Carlton, N1296 Townhall Road, Kewaunee, WI 54216 (Intersection of Townhall Road and County Road G)   County unit meeting participation is encouraged for all town officials. The meetings empower you to network with other town officials, engage with legislators, learn from speakers, hear updates from WTA Directors, and improve your ability to serve your constituents. The Kewaunee County Unit leaders look forward to your participation.   Agenda Call to OrderPledge of AllegianceRoll CallMinutes from last meetingFinancial ReportLegislator ReportsKewaunee County Sheriff Matt JoskiWTA Director’s ReportChairman Paplham – Update on Town of Pierce road issue with WDNROld BusinessNew BusinessNext meeting date – Town of Red River HostAdjourn   The meeting will be held in-person. If you are or have recently felt ill or have a fever or have been in contact with someone that is ill, please do not attend.   Senators and Representatives: Please advise Jeff Dorner County Unit Secretary, at 920-680-2782 as to whether you will be able to attend. Thank you!

Respectfully submitted by:                                         Sandra A Monfils