AUGUST 5, 2024

6:00 PM

            Pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 5.84(1), notice is hereby given that a public test of the ImageCast Evolution (ICE) which will tabulate optical scan ballots that will be used to canvas votes for the August 13, 2024 Partisan Election will be held on Monday, August 5, 2024 at 6:00 PM at the Red River Town Hall.

            All members of the public interested in viewing this public test are urged to be present at the stated time and place.

            Dated this 19th day of July, 2024. 

                                                                                    /s/ Char Duckart

                                                                                    Char Duckart

                                                                                    Red River Town Clerk

TOWN BOARD MEETING – Town of Red River Wednesday 7:00 PM – October 18, 2023,            E0505 County Road S


  1. Call to order, Roll call, declaration of a quorum and Approval of Agenda.
  2. Reading and approval of previous Meeting Minutes
  3. Reports
    1. Treasurer
    1. Plan Commission
      1. Dalton Ruesch – Zoning Change Parcel 31 018 1ASR 59
      1. Dalton Ruesch = Zoning Fee Parcel 31 018 2ASR 1
    1. County Supervisor
  4. Public Input – 10 Minutes
  5. Old Business
    1. Town Road Update
      1. Bills Road
      1. McKinley Road
      1. Eagle Road
    1. Clerk/Treasurer Software Update
  6. New Business
    1. 2024 Road Work Discussion
    1. 2024 Budget Discussion
  7. Payment of Invoices
  8. Adjournment

Respectfully submitted by:                                         

                Jeff Dorner             

Jeff Dorner

                Chairman  – Town of Red River            


Town of Red River – Plan Commission

Agenda for:     Wednesday September 6th, 2023  7:00 PM         

Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Call to order, Roll call and declaration of a quorum
  2. Reading and Approval of Previous Minutes
  3. Secretary report from Town Board Meeting
  4. New business:
    1. Action Items:



Please take notice that a public hearing will be held at the RED RIVER TOWN HALL on Wednesday, September 6, 2023 at 7:00 PM for the following: Dalton Ruesch, on behalf of Ruesch Properties LLC, is requesting that all of Parcel 31 018 1ASR 59 located at N9415 C.T.H. “DK” described as follows be rezoned from B-1 Business/Commercial District to RM Multi Family Residential District.  Part of Section 6, T 25 N, R 23 E, Town of Red River, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin described as follows:  Lot 2 of Certified Survey Map recorded in Volume 2 on Page 107 being part of Lot 4, Block 3 of Assessor’s Plat #1.  Said parcel containing 1.608 acres of land, more or less.  Notice is hereby given that a majority of the Town Board may be present at this meeting to gather information about a subject in which they may have decision-making responsibilities.  All interested parties are invited to attend.

                                    John M. Maas

                                    Zoning Administrator

                                    Town of Red River

  • Non-Action Items
    • Public Input
  • Zoning Administrator Report
  • Old Business
    • None
  • Next Meeting October 4th, 2023
    • Upcoming Agenda Items
  • Adjournment

Respectfully submitted by:                                                                                           

Jeremy Pingel


Red River Plan Commission


Town Board Meeting – Town of Red River – 7:00 PM – Wednesday, July 19, 2023 – E0505 County Road S


  1. Call to order, Roll call, declaration of a quorum and Approval of Agenda.
  2. Reading and approval of previous Meeting Minutes
  3. Reports
    1. Treasurer
    1. Plan Commission
      1. Zoning Webinar Update
    1. County Supervisor
  4. Public Input – 10 Minutes
  5. Old Business
    1. Town Road Update
    1. EMS Payment
    1. Clerk/Treasurer Software Update
  6. New Business
    1. Bonding Town Officials – Clerk & Treasurer
    2. Fire Department Invoice Question
  7. Payment of Invoices
  8. Adjournment

Respectfully submitted by:                                         

                Jeff Dorner             

Jeff Dorner

                Chairman  – Town of Red River            

Town of Red Board of Appeals Meeting February 1, 2022

Agenda for: Tuesday – February 1, 2022 7:00 PM
1) Call to order, Roll call and declaration of a quorum
2) Reading and approval of previous minutes
3) Secretary report from Town Board Meeting & Board of Adjustments
4) New business:
A) Kinnard, Charles – request variance to setback requirements
Please take notice that a public hearing will be held at the RED RIVER TOWN HALL on
Tuesday, February 1, 2022, 7:00 PM for the following:
Charles Kinnard E2078 LeCaptain Rd., Casco, WI, (parcel 31018 23.04) is requesting a
Variance to construct an addition on an existing calf barn that would be 5 feet closer to the
centerline of LeCaptain Rd. than is permitted under Chapter 10 Zoning Ordinance setback
Notice is hereby given that a majority of the Town Board may be present at this meeting to
gather information about a subject in which they may have decision-making responsibilities.
All interested parties are invited to attend.
Eric Corroy
Zoning Administrator – Temporary
Town of Red River
5) Old Business
6) Adjournment
Respectfully submitted by:
Jeremy Pingel
Red River Plan Commission

Town of Red River – Plan CommissionAgenda for: Wednesday – February 2, 2022 7:00 PM


1)Call to order, Roll call and declaration of a quorum

2) Reading and approval of previousminutes

3) Secretary report from Town Board Meeting & Board of Adjustments

4) New business:

5) Old Business

A) Continuation of Lenss January hearing -TOWN OF RED RIVER – NOTICE TO RESIDENTSP lease take notice that a public hearing will be held at the RED RIVER TOWN HALL on Wednesday, February 2nd, 2022, at 7:00 PM for the following: Seth Lenss, N8877 Wellers Lane, Luxemburg WI 54217, is requesting a rezoning of Parcel 310182ASR 33 from RS Single Family Residential to B-1 Business/Commercial. Notice is hereby given that a majority of the Town Board may be present at this meeting togather information about a subject in which they have decision-making responsibilities. All interested parties are invited to attend. Eric Corroy Zoning Administrator Town of Red River

6) Adjournment

Respectfully submitted by: Jeremy Pingel

Secretary Red River Plan Commission
