Town of Red River – Plan Commission

Agenda for:     Wednesday August 7th, 2024  7:00 PM         

Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Call to order, Roll call and declaration of a quorum
  2. Reading and Approval of Previous Minutes
  3. Report from Town Board Meeting
  4. New business:
    1. Action Items:



  1. Please take notice that a public hearing will be held at the RED RIVER TOWN HALL on Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at 7:00 PM for the following:

Ayham and Nicole M. Alboushi are requesting that a part of Parcel 31 018 35.07 described as follows located at N7502 Joniaux Road be rezoned from A-1 Prime Agriculture to LE Large Estates Residential. Part of the Southwest ¼ of the Northwest ¼ of Section 35, Township 25 North, Range 23 East, in the Town of Red River, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin. Beginning at the West ¼ corner of said section; thence N 01021’50” W along the West line of said Northwest ¼ section 50.00 feet; thence N 89016’44” E 598.69 feet; thence N 82053’24” E 311.78 feet; thence N 03029’53” E 362.13 feet; thence N 88022’46” E 384.27 feet to the East line of said Southwest ¼ of the Northwest ¼ section; thence S 01025’23” E along said East line 431.12 feet to the Southeast corner of said Southwest ¼ of the Northwest ¼; thence S 88022’46” W along the South line of said Northwest ¼ section 1324.28 feet to the point of beginning.  Said parcel containing 5.000 acres of land, more or less.

  • Please take notice that a public hearing will be held at the RED RIVER TOWN HALL on Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at 7:15 PM for the following:

Hunter Joniaux, on behalf of Cheryl A Dufek etal and Sandra L Joniaux , the property owners, are requesting that a part of Parcel 31 018 34.041 described as follows located on Joniaux Road be rezoned from A-1 Prime Agriculture to LE Large Estates Residential. Part of the Southeast ¼ of the Northeast ¼ of Section 34, Township 25 North, Range 23 East, in the Town of Red River, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin. Commencing at the East ¼ corner of said Section 34, T25N-R23E; thence N 01021’50” W along the Section line, 250.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence S 88025’57” W, 490.00 feet; thence N 010 12’50” W, 533.40 feet; thence N 880 25’57” E, 490.00 feet to said Section line; thence S 010 12’50” E, 533.40 feet to the point of beginning.  Said parcel containing 6.00 acres of land, more or less.

  • Please take notice that a public hearing will be held at the RED RIVER TOWN HALL on Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at 7:30 PM for the following:

3A: Rezone #1: Tony Kipp, on behalf of Jamie J. Jeanquart etal, and Joseph A. & Barbara J. Jeanquart Lest, the property owners, are requesting that parts of Parcel 31 018 4.153 described as follows located at E1102 County Road “X” be rezoned from B-1 Business/Commercial to A-1 Prime Agriculture so that they can be added to Parcel 31 018 4.152, Zoned A-1. Rezone #1 – B-1 to A-1: Description of land to be attached to and incorporated into existing parcel 31 018 4.152. That part of the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 4, T.25 N., R.23 E., Town of Red River, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin. Described as follows: Commencing at an existing nail marking the South ¼ corner of said section; thence N 88003’51” E along the South line of said SE ¼ section a distance of 167.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence N 01002’14” E a distance of 133.00 feet; thence S 88003’51” W a distance of 27.70 feet; thence S 01016’33” E a distance of 34.73 feet; thence S 58054’56” E a distance of 24.57 feet; thence S 02020’14” E a distance of 84.71 feet to the point of beginning.  Said additional land being 0.0312 acres of land more or less.

3B:  Rezone #2:  B-1 to A-1: Description of land to be attached to and incorporated into existing parcel 31 018 4.152. That part of the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 4, T.25 N., R.23 E., Town of Red River, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin. Described as follows: Commencing at an existing nail marking the South ¼ corner of said section; thence N 01002’14’ E along the West line of said SE ¼ section a distance of 366.00 feet; thence N 87026’21” E a distance of 78.56 feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing N 87026’21” E a distance of 13.00 feet to the Northeast corner of land previously excepted from volume 812 records on page 558; thence S 01002’14” W a distance of 187.54 feet; thence N 45037’49” W a distance of 8.28 feet; thence N 01009’28” W 181.18 feet to the point of beginning.  Said additional land being 0.040 acres of land, more or less.

3C : Rezone #3: Tony Kipp, on behalf of Scott M. and Michelle D. Kipp, the property owners, are requesting that parts of Parcel 31 018 4.152 described as follows located at E1120 County Road “X” be rezoned from A-1 Prime Agriculture to B-1 Business/Commercial so that it can be added to Parcel 31 018 4.153, Zoned B-1. Rezone #3 – A-1 to B-1:Description of land to be attached to and incorporated into existing parcel 31 018 4.153. That part of the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 4, T.25 N., R.23 E., Town of Red River, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin. Described as follows: Commencing at an existing nail marking the South ¼ corner of said section; thence N 88003’51” E along the South line of said SE ¼ section a distance of 167.00 feet; thence N 01002’14” E a distance of 133.00 feet; thence S 88003’51” W a distance of 27.70 feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing S 88003’51” W 47.80 feet; thence N 01002’14” E 46.46 feet; thence S 46018’35” E 64.91 feet to the point of beginning.  Said additional land being 0.0255 acres or land, more or less.

3D: Rezone #4: Tony Kipp, on behalf of Jamie J. Jeanquart etal, and Joseph A. & Barbara J. Jeanquart Lest, the property owners, are requesting that all of the resulting Parcel 31 018 4.153 described as follows located at E1102 County Road “X” be rezoned from B-1 Business/Commercial to RR Residential. Rezone #4 – B-1 to RR: Description of land that results after all of the transfers are completed to the existing parcel 31 018 4.152. That part of the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 4, T.25 N., R.23 E., Town of Red River, Kewaunee County, Wisconsin. Described as follows: Commencing at an existing nail marking the South ¼ corner of said section and being the point of beginning; thence N 01002’14’ E along the West line of said SE ¼ section a distance of 366.00 feet; thence N 87026’21” E a distance of 78.56 feet; thence S 0109’28” E a distance of 181.18 feet; thence S 460 18’35” E a distance of 64.91 feet; thence S 010 16’33” E a distance of 34.73 feet; thence S 580 54’56” E a distance of 24.57 feet; thence S 020 20’14” E a distance of 84.71 to the South line of said SE ¼ Section; thence S 880 03’51” W along the South line of said SE ¼ section a distance of 167.00 feet to the point of beginning excluding all County road right-of-way lands of record.

  • Review of CSM For Ronnie Ropson off County Road K
  • Review of CSM for Julianne Charles at N9061 County Road AB

 Notice is hereby given that a majority of the Town Board may be present at this meeting to gather information about a subject in which they may have decision-making responsibilities.  All interested parties are invited to attend.

                                                John M. Maas

                                                Zoning Administrator

                                                Town of Red River

  • Non-Action Items
    • Public Input
    • Zoning Administrator Report
  • Old Business
    • None
  • Next Meeting September 4th, 2024
    • Upcoming Agenda Items
  • Adjournment

Respectfully submitted by:                                                                                           

Jeremy Pingel


Red River Plan Commission