Agenda for: Wednesday March 1st, 2023 7:00 PM
Pledge of Allegiance
- Call to order, Roll call and declaration of a quorum
- Reading and Approval of Previous Minutes
- Secretary report from Town Board Meeting
- New business:
- Action Items:
- None
- Action Items:
- Non-Action Items
- Public Input
- Zoning Administrator Report
- Update on Alboushi’s plans for new house on Parcel 31 018 35.07 that was approved by a CUP, the existing Farmstead at N7532 Joniaux, etc.
- Update on Buchta’s Vacation of Town Road R/O/W, known as Bay Trail, request to rezone Parcel 31 018 18.043 & vacated road R/O/W from LE to A-1 and new CSM for Jacob’s to combine Parcel 31 018 18.043 & remnant of 31 018 18.041 (excludes Lot 1 of Buchta’s CSM) .
- Update on request to install manufactured home or trailer.
- Potential Zoning Code Violations Letters
- Old Business
- Accessory Building with or without primary structures and/or living quarters
- Size Limit/Sq Footage requirement for Zoning Permit
- Next Meeting April 5th, 2023
- Upcoming Agenda Items
- Adjournment
Respectfully submitted by:
Jeremy Pingel
Red River Plan Commission